Sunday, May 23, 2010


Last month I dreamed about how things would end. A bunch of castaways, myself included, were perched on a promontory with stunning views of the ocean. (I may have “been” Boone, since Jack tried to save him twice, once successfully.) As we walked down a slight incline, the water receded to reveal a glorious beach cast in golden light (thanks to the energy source aka Magical Vagina?). All of us were in really good moods, knowing that the ordeal was over and understanding that the beach was somehow part of the reward. We talked about how much we liked each other’s writings, referring to the evocative names used for the characters: Locke, Rousseau, Austen, Sawyer, etc. 

Sunday, May 9, 2010


red on black

black on red

in descending order



the rain thumps its fingers on the roof

the cards click against her nails

her patience is a proud silent force

like her muted perfume


and I am so mesmerized

that I don’t budge

even when it clears up outside

and the locusts begin to beckon me again


cackling in their raspy voices

and my forearms stick

to the clammy surface

of the foldout table


so I am petrified that way

and long after she takes off

running after my sister

I am still there